








 <Butoh Archive Project (BAP)> (*English is below)

 2 月10 日(土)『ザ・シック・ダンサー』

終演後特別開催 オールナイトプログラム「北千住 BAP Night」 

60 年代日本で生まれた舞踏は、「Butoh」として世界に広く普及しています。NPO 法人ダンスアーカイヴ構想は、国内外の舞踏家、集団の活動状況を可能な限り調査することで、舞踏界の全体把握に微力ながら貢献し、諸兄諸姉の足跡を広く共有したく考えています。



応募〆切2月1 日。 



24:00 - 25:15 土方巽「東北歌舞伎計画」ビデオ上映   

25:30 - 27:30 公募作品連続上演(延長戦アリ)   

27:30 - 始発迄 DJ タイム [入場料] 1,000 円(ワンドリンク付き)

〔場所〕:BUoY 〒120-0036 東京都 足立区千住仲町49-11 


→https://www.facebook.com/events/1620960637973069/ -------------------------------------------- 

 Special All Night Program “Kitasenju BAP Night” following the performance of THE SICK DANCER on 10 February 2018 Butoh emerged from the effervescence of Japanese culture in the 1960s to gradually become a worldwide phenomenon; the term Butoh is now part of the lexicon of modern performance. At present the NPO Dance Archive Network is conducting a survey on activities by Butoh dancers and groups both in Japan and overseas. By means of this comprehensive survey, we would ultimately like to contribute to a better overall understanding of Butoh and widely share the legacy of the elder generation of Butoh performers. On this occasion we will ask dancers through the“living expression”to endorse and participate in this research project and also provide a small free presentation in which everyone can report and share information on Butoh’s current situation. This public appeal is open to any performance genre, and is not restricted to dance. See the application details at www.dance-archive.net. 

 [Time Schedule]   

24:00-25:15 Tatsumi Hijikata Tohoku Kabuki Project video screening   

25:30–27:30 Performances (open call for entries)   

27:30 until the first train of the day DJ time 

 [Admission]¥1000 with one drink 

 ◉THE SICK DANCER event page →https://www.facebook.com/events/1620960637973069/  


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